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Space out your payments with ease.

What if you could enter a store, choose a product or service, request payment in 4, 10 or 20 instalments, select your supporters to simply benefit from your purchase in several instalments.

Propose des abonnements


You can offer a subscription to your services, and collect from your customers without action on your part, every Monday, for example, or every 5th of the month for example.

You stay safe and take no risks

Once your recurring payment is scheduled! You no longer take the risk of forgetting to collect a payment, and your customer cannot forget to pay, because he has nothing to do. It's automatic. 

Your customers

can manage.


A notification and reminder system warns your customer well in advance if they need to fund their account so that your payment can go through.

Encaissez ou Payez en plusieurs tranches, de 2 à 24 fois directement depuis votre Applicat
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